Tarzan Kay


October 14, 2024

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


How to be a high performer

An email for all the tired people

“This is what a high performer looks like,” I think to myself. “I wish I was like that.”

I’m having coffee and croissants with a guy who built a $20M company. He’s telling me about this biotech company he started (on the side, as one does) and the internationally-decorated scientist he’s working with.

“I’m not really an entrepreneur,” I tell him. “I just want to write my newsletter.”

I can’t tell why I’m making myself small, why I’m putting on this “not a high performer” act.

…nevermind that I was weight-training outdoors at 5am, in the pitch black, and paddled 2km beyond the assigned 6km in this morning’s coaching program, with a group that is literally called “High Performance.”

…or that I had some very reassuring Stripe notifications while in the bathtub at 8am.

…or that I’m leaving on a 3-day backcountry camping trip tomorrow, alone, without my phone.

High Performance is my middle name.

(Actually it’s Kay, but I’m thinking of changing it to NATIONAL MEDALIST.)

But today, driving home to start my workday, I felt an intense pang of longing for something even bigger. To be the kind of high performer with 100,000 email subscribers, a Ph.D., bestselling books, international acclaim in publications I respect, invitations to speak on the biggest stages, to be that person who can walk into any roomful of high performers and know they belong.

I just really didn’t feel like that person, so I made myself even less of a person. This isn’t the first time I’ve shrunk myself for no one’s benefit, at no one’s request.

A few weeks back I was at a different table with a different guy, this time someone who’s built an even larger company.

Someone at our table asked what I do for work. I tripped over my words, saying ridiculous things. The phrase “weird and complicated” slipped out of my mouth against my will.

I felt about 3 inches tall.

“Why am I making myself so small?” I wondered again.

I don’t have a good answer, Friend. (Do you??!)

Other than to say that I’ve poured so much of myself into my work, been so brave and made so many difficult choices in my life and business that some days I am too tired to show up as “Tarzan NATIONAL MEDALIST Kalryzian.”

Some days I want to be utterly regular.

…a person who trips over their words.

…a person who aches to be seen and remembered but doesn’t always know how.

…a person who sometimes feels lost, and doesn’t have the energy to pretend otherwise.

…a person who says, “Not today, Opportunity! I just want to Netflix and chill.” (At least once in a while.)


I got home from my coffee date and took a one-hour nap.

Then I wrote you this email.

For my fellow high performers, remember you get to do that. You get to have loser days and feel tired and botch your elevator pitch and be embarrassingly unimpressive in front of people you really want to know. You get to take naps.

No one is a high performer 100% of the time.

Chances are tomorrow you will once again wake up feeling like a person who takes ice baths.


This is Tarzan, signing off until then.

Found Around the Web

  CJ Chilvers on why you shouldn’t buy courses from people who went from “0 to 150K subscribers in 6 months” (pick me instead )

 ✍️  Wish you wrote more? Me too. Janelle Hardy is hosting Shifting Resistance and Writer's Block Using Your Body – it’s free and runs this Thursday at 3:30pm ET (sponsored link)

  A newsletter that my newsletter is jealous of, despite its terrible subject lines and crap formatting – here’s a favourite on why all newsletters should be letters 

Sponsored links are always marked.
Advertise in this newsletter →

Changes To Our Countdown Timers

The feedback we get about countdown timers has always been mixed. Some subscribers hate timers, but others say it helps with decision making: “Can I sit on this decision for a day, or do I need to act now?”

In this newsletter one of our consent practices is to give you the option to permanently hide all countdown timers in emails. 

It’s been a successful experiment. I use countdown timers freely now, without remorse. 

But we made a small change to make it even better: 

We removed the ticking seconds.

Our timers now show only the days, hours, and minutes. (See this sales page.) It doesn’t look as fancy but it does the job without lighting anyone's nervous system on fire. 

Did you notice? How did it feel?

Penny for your thoughts. line break with a paper airplane

Reply to the email


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You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)