Imagine writing sales-worthy launch copy all by yourself (without kicking and screaming as you go)

I wrote 10 emails in one sitting and I made for sure a minimum of 1500 euros with ONE email.

steven de cuba, business strategist

Yes, you can write it!

You understand the importance of copy and copywriting for your business. You know that there’s an outrageous amount of writing that you need to do now that you have a course to sell to the world. 

It can feel really overwhelming. Like standing in the middle of a crowded indoor concert venue and not knowing how you're going to make it to the bathroom through the sea of people surrounding you, overwhelming.

I’ve pulled together my favourite copy swipes, mini-training videos and more to help you become the BEST copywriter for your business.

If you find yourself ready to launch a course but overwhelmed by the content and copy bits and pieces of it all. You’re in luck:


A Jetpack For Your Next Launch, including the Copy Swipe Library, Video Masterclass, & Launch Planning Trello Board







The copy kit to end all copy kits! Because you already know how much work goes into a launch and you are eager to find a few shortcuts and copy hacks that will make all the difference in your first launch.

A plan that you can follow from cart open to close, including:

An email sequence cheat sheet for at-a-glance planning

The 6-Figure Sales Page Template (people have been asking if they could buy my template for you can!)

The Email Sequence Swipe File—say ‘bye to email sequence overwhelm! I’m giving you TWO FULL PROMO SEQUENCES to swipe and make your own

Sales Page Prep Sheet-a workbook to get you ready to build out the money maker

The Pattern Interrupt Cart Close Email Video Lesson that gets your subscribers to sit up and take notice right at the end

And introducing, my brand-spanking-new, TRELLO Board Launch Copy Plan

Plus four bonuses to carry you for days! Or years!

Who wants a big boring stack of PDF bonuses?? No one! In this short training, you’ll learn how to plan a tantalizing bonus stack for your launch that’s the perfect mix of access, accountability and implementation-based extras.


The Perfect Bonus Stack

Join Tarzan and Jessica Butts as we deconstruct Myers-Briggs types and use them to write scintillating copy your audience can't get enough of.


How to use Myers-Briggs personality type to connect with your subscribers

An easier-than-Betty-Crocker-cake 15-minute video tutorial on how to set up your emails in a Google doc so you can see your entire email stack at a glance—reducing overwhelm and confusion for you (and your team, if you have one!)


How to set up your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading by your VA

Want to know what a soup-to-nuts launch looks like, all planned out on a calendar? Check out mine! You’ll also get your own printable planner, plus a video tutorial on what to leave out and what to add in, according to your launch experience.



access the course launch copy kit now

All of this for only $27

How would you feel if you had an IMMACULATE plan (think Trello Board that makes you weep tears of relief, immaculate) for your Course Launch Copy?

Imagine this:

You sit down at your desk, click a few links, and VOILA! Your Course Launch Trello Board appears and you start typing away, confident this is the right first step to getting your launch copy dialed in.

You don’t miss a beat. You know just what to do. 

You’re not frantic or worried about how you’ll ever get those 1000 tasks done, you’re simply taking it one step at a time.

Carrying water, chopping wood.

Plus, the hard work? It takes time, let’s be real, but The Course Launch Copy Kit will be a foundation to support you as you go and the feeling of a launch copy avalanche disappears. 

Sounds too good to be true, right? 

But I assure you, it’s not! 

It’s gonna be amazing! 

There’s so much actionable content to get you going. So many real-life examples to help you as you look around your copy plan and think “WOW! This is a lot of copy! WAIT! I can actually handle this!”

This is an enormous amount to give people for $27

PLEASE NOTE: There are no refunds and here's why:

It’s extremely low-risk

Months of work have gone into creating this offer (actually years!)

I want you to stand behind your own buying decision, and soak up everything CLCK has to offer (yes, even when you feel a little overwhelmed by all the resources in there!)

A plan that you can follow from cart open to close, including:

An email sequence cheat sheet for at-a-glance planning

The 6-Figure Sales Page Template (people have been asking if they could buy my template for you can!)

The Email Sequence Swipe File—say ‘bye to email sequence overwhelm! I’m giving you TWO FULL PROMO SEQUENCES to swipe and make your own

And introducing, my brand-spanking-new, TRELLO Board Launch Copy Plan 

BONUS #1: The Perfect Bonus Stack

Sales Page Prep Sheet-a workbook to get you ready to build out the money maker

The Pattern Interrupt Cart Close Email Video Lesson that gets your subscribers to sit up and take notice right at the end

BONUS #2: How To use Myers-Briggs Personality Type To Connect With Your Subscribers

BONUS #3: How To Set Up Your Promo Emails for Easy Uploading By Your VA

BONUS #4: Plan Your Launch Calendar

Grab Your Course Launch Copy Kit Today! 

Start a launch process that’s sure to go CLCK CLCK, BOOM 🧨 in your customers' inboxes. The result? They say, “Sign me up, boss!” and make a confident, fully-informed buying decision they’ll feel good about for years to come.

access the course launch copy kit now

All of this for only $27