Tarzan Kay


November 28, 2023

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


ChatGPT does this better than me

Today I’m writing a new sales page for Email Stars. It’s due with my designer Gigi on Friday so I’m hauling ass. 

I dredged up the first-ever sales page for Email Stars, which was written by an Email Stars alumni (p.s. I outsource copy sometimes) but it is exactly Tarzan circa 2018. 

Holy Time Warp. 

One of the more interesting observations was how heavily I leaned on my star power and rags-to-riches story. Then it literally said, “If I can do it, so can you,” which was patently untrue, not unless you could afford $400 sequin Chanel pants and name-drop famous private clients, or travel internationally to speak on their stages for free. 

Oh, how far I’ve come! 

I still love expensive clothes—that’s a $100 t-shirt I bought in Paris, if you care to know—but I care a lot less about performing success and suggesting people should be like me. 

Telling people who they should be is super cult-y! And anyway our differences are far more interesting. So today I thought I’d share a little more of “the real everyday Tarzan” with my favorite type of email: LIST OF THINGS! 

(My bestie K-Oh loves writing emails like this, but apparently she got the idea from me first.)

What life looks like rn:

Driving 4.5 hours to Ohio to save $400 on a night at Great Wolf Lodge

Drinking Relyte every day because it cures headaches

Candy Crush Soda every night (level 1335, baby)

Microdosing ketamine

Going to therapy

Raking leaves, a never ending job that literally lasts forever

Embracing the fact that “literally” can also mean the opposite (even Miriam-Webster acknowledges this)

Watching the entire Pitch Perfect series for the first time

Canceling my Prime membership and impulse-buying a bit less 

Tequila nightcaps

Pronouncing Asana “Ah-sana” but only sometimes

Rediscovering the entire back catalog of a record label called Tzadik

Having ChatGPT write my alt text —it does a way better job!

Eating lasagna for breakfast

A habit I plan to break soon: going to bed with my phone to listen to Game of Thrones while playing Candy Crush 

Three newsletters I love that aren’t about online business:

TL;DR by WealthSimple, a financial newsletter full of smart graphs and bad puns

Marcus Pork,”Welcome to my Fashion Designs I am 34. Are you infected with LGBTQ? I hope so, because I’ve designed some inclusive fashions for you.”

The Donut, where I get my daily news 

Something useful I found on the internet: Words About War: A language guide for discussing war and foreign policy

A book I’m struggling to get through: The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Jane Ward (interesting but reads like a doctoral thesis)

There you have it. The Real Tarzan. 

Even if you don’t share much personally with your own email list, it’s fun to let subscribers in a bit. Everybody likes a peekaboo at the minutiae of other people’s lives. Why not try it?

Your turn. 

Send me your lists, I want to read them. 



Last call to watch my copywriting workshop, Write This Way. After Thursday it’s getting bumped into Copy Caboose’s inclusive copywriting module. After that the only way to get it will be to buy Copy Caboose, which is on sale for $300 until the end of the month.

Reply to the email


All-time most popular emails right here

(read ‘em and weep, literally)

I slowed way, waaay down on buying courses about four years ago, once my business started churning out a

Feb 21, 2023

“Finish this sentence,” Eman said to me. “The biggest mistake I made in my business was…” It was no small ask.

Jan 27, 2023

If you’ve struggled to get quality emails out to your list consistently, or had long lapses between communications

Nov 22, 2022

I shared this meme on Instagram the other day: A cascade of DMs ensued, mostly from people

Oct 4, 2022

Cascades of angry-looking waves push up against my kayak, threatening to tip me into the cold black water of

Sep 27, 2022

It’s been two weeks since my last email, and I hardly ever miss a weekly email. I have written thousands of emails

Sep 6, 2022

In my first year of business, I made $61,833 in gross revenue. After expenses, I took home just over half. 

Aug 16, 2022

I’m moving like a superhuman these days, doing it all until my body literally quits on me, as it did this morning. 

Jun 7, 2022

There’s this guy Parry who I follow on LinkedIn. His industry-disrupting 30-word diatribes about PR are crisp AF.

May 27, 2022

People think we are super great for offering low or zero markup on our payment plans. I’ve also been

Apr 12, 2022

Start writing consent-based copy that prioritizes people and still makes profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)