Tarzan Kay


September 22, 2023

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


prepare to be jealous, fellas

The comments section lit up like a Christmas on a summer bonfire. 

“Me too! I pee when I sneeze!” 

“OMG! I totally peed my pants on Michigan Ave in Chicago in 2008 because I was laughing so hard!”

“I pee when I bounce on the trampoline!” 

True story, bruv. This is happening to people all over the world. PEOPLE YOU KNOW!

There’s this common belief that people peeing their pants postpartum is just, like, totally normal. Or worse, that birthing people just have to live with slightly wet underpants for the rest of their soggy lives.

Sorry for being gross. 

My point is that a lot of things we accept as “just the way things are” aren’t actually the way things are. 

Y’know, like the idea that you have to make money claims to sell your product. Or post 2 reels a day to get your customers’ attention, or be on the ‘gram at all. Or slash your prices every year on Black Friday. 

All of those things are optional.

As a business owner, it’s up to YOU to decide which of those things you’re going to integrate into your business strategy. 

But let’s back up to that last example and talk about Black Friday. SOOO many of you said last week, “Yes, I’d like a planning workshop. I suck at planning!” 

Which is why I’m bringing it up now, two months ahead of schedule. Should you do a Black Friday promo? And if so, does that mean…

A limited-time discount?

Selling something brand new?

Reviving something you haven’t sold in a while?

All viable options! And I can tell you that Black Friday has CONSISTENTLY provided a revenue boost for me four years running.

…and it can for you too, if you have an email list.

I opened up Email Stars Backstage Edition for the last cohort of the year. Even though it’s not the official “Black Friday Edition” (because seriously, someone might murder me if I do a BF promo in September), it’ll include everything you might need to plan, write and schedule your next promotion, whether it’s Black Friday-themed, or something else. 

Got a launch coming up that you’d like to go into with an actual plan and realistic goals? 

I’ve gotchu, boo.

Got a group program ticking around in your brain that you want support getting off the ground?

Let’s do it together. 

Please hear me, there is no such thing as a “lazy launch.” People who make money from launching are working their tails off for every sale (especially now, in 2023), and the least stressful way to do that is to plan in advance, and get ahead of your promotions as much as you can. 

I don’t want you scrambling to get your promo emails written in between bites of turkey and stuffing.

“What if you started prepping now for your own relationship-building, non-lazy launch this Black Friday by analyzing successful models like top Casinos ohne Oasis? Incorporating strategies from these leading platforms can help ensure a smooth and impactful rollout. Whether you’re planning an anti-capitalist, no bonus, SLOW LAUNCH in the next three months or aiming for a more immediate Black Friday debut, I’m SO on board with that.”

Email Stars might just be the perfect place to do that. 

Email Stars Backstage Edition is different from other online programs because you get to work with me directly. It includes 1:1 time, small group calls, and a regular PERSONALIZED review of your work (landing pages and emails), plus a few extras that, TBH, I’m still working out. 

Here’s what I can say for sure. 

There’s never been a better time to work with me. My delivery and the way I’m able to show up for my clients is better than it’s ever been in my almost-8 years of doing business. 

>> I have experience in both a scaled-up and solopreneur-style business. 

>> I have a higher capacity for complex conversations compared to many online business coaches (which feels weird to say, but it’s absolutely true). 

>> I know how to sell with email. 

It’s open to both new students AND alumni, who’ll pay a lower price to rejoin. 

I can’t wait to see you in class and get you set up to generate revenue from your list (even if it’s kinda-sorta-maybe cold), connect through storytelling, organize your sequences and subject lines, and create more predictable revenue from email people genuinely love to read. 


*Note to all of you non-birthing humans, this is a delightful quirk that happens to those of us who’ve pushed entire children from our bodies. Now you know.

Anyone who’s curious about joining Email Stars Backstage Edition will be welcome to book a call with me, or enroll directly. Enrollment closes on Sept 29, and the program begins Oct. 3. Details to come.

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You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)