Tarzan Kay


April 26, 2024

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


a different kind of “6-figure business” you might want more

Email, but better.
The Weekly Edition

⚡ Power is a 9-month mastermind that kicks off in July​
The most in-depth, long-term way to work with me

Want to spend nine months in community with seven other established business owners who have goals as lofty as yours? Get on the waitlist.

Waitlist-only bonus coming in May.

Tarzan and three women sit in a brightly lit conference room. Tarzan talks animatedly with her hands, in soft pink pants and a cropped white San Diego t-shirt. The room is cozy and there is a large screen at the end of the table, showing a Google doc. The table is littered with coffee, soda cans and carafes of water.

Tarzan and her Power crew in Malta this March

I’ll be talking about Power lots over the next few months. If you’re not interested, click here to turn off promo emails.


I’m Building A Different Kind of
“6-Figure Business”

Every Tuesday, I fall into bed at 9:30 pm after a 27km biathlon, part of my training routine which takes two and a half hours and goes all season until the water gets cold again.

I do 12km on my bike, then 5km in a boat, then 10km on my bike again.

(Yes, I’m sweaty! Sweaty and determined to win a medal in Sprint Canoe this summer.)

Last night I used the last dregs of my energy to rip open a bag of Triscuits and called it “dinner.” Not wanting to soil the sheets, I laid directly on top of my fancy (i.e. overpriced!) Anthropologie duvet in my dirty training gear and draped the other half over my legs while munching crackers in bed and watching The Diplomat on Netflix.

I’ve been craving frivolity, but I am apparently not cut out for it.

Having goals and dreams is so dreary, isn’t it?

The trees are starting to bud in Southern Ontario and all I want to do is be seventeen again, riding around in the passenger seat of my girlfriend’s lime green Volkswagen Beetle with the windows rolled down, smoking a Belmont and listening to Liz Phair.

I want to be so irresponsible.

I want to stay up late cruising for my name in the “missed encounters” thread on CraigsList, do a bump of ketamine on a random Wednesday and send text messages I’ll regret later.

I desperately want to use adverbs!

Oh, to be the sort of person who doesn’t support two households, isn’t running a business in an economically precarious time, and doesn’t dream of crossing the finish line in medal position while all my friends and family cheer from the stands.

Having a mission and a vision can be very tiring, but it is the only way I know how to do life and business.

Case in point

I sent you three so serious emails this month.

The feedback was wonderful and the referrals much appreciated.

I am ready for Emails, but better to reach 100K subscribers, roughly 10x more than are subscribed to this newsletter today.

My capacity for leadership is there, and so is the message. Having 100K readers would mean bigger sponsorship opportunities, lower ticket offers, getting more support, paying my team better, and most importantly, it would mean a hundred thousand humans thinking about how to bring a consent-based approach to email marketing, sales, and delivery.

…plus, it would mean better, more interesting, and story-driven newsletters like this one hitting your inbox.

In September, I’ll be debuting a brand-new newsletter course that combines the best of what I know about growth and nurture, including my consent-based strategies and best practices for running a profitable newsletter.

I’ve loved being a small-list superhero and I want to continue working with other small-list superheroes, including people with lists that are much smaller than mine.

It’s possible to run an email-driven business and even to draw a generous salary with 1500 email subscribers. I see people doing this every day.

I also wonder, “What could be possible with 100K subscribers?”

I’ve never dared to think that big before, but recently, it’s started to feel possible. After nearly two years of staring into the void, the path ahead is looking a lot clearer.

It’s going to take a lot of cheerleaders, speaking invitations, Google reviews (please write me one!), referral partners, recommendations in Creator Network and Upscribe, people who forward my emails or share them on social, and and and.

100K subscribers is a big dream.

A 6-figure email list. Imagine that!

I am working my ass off to make that happen and loving (almost) every minute.

Much like crossing that finish line at nationals in my sprint canoe – though I still fall out of the boat every 100 metres! – it feels both ridiculous and possible if I just flex these new muscles rippling around my shoulders and let the dream unfold.

That’s my goal for the next little while.

How about yours?


Ethics for AI, Canva Design and a Money Quiz You Might Like

Mind Money Balance has a quiz that tells you why it’s so hard for you to stick to your financial goals—and also what you’re already damn good at Take the quiz (referral swap)

 Laura Kaye Chamberlain presented to my students about ethics + equity considerations for writing with AI — they also write the hownow newsletter, which teaches real-world AI applications that are values-driven and don’t sacrifice quality Subscribe here

 The Canva Clinic is tomorrow at 7 pm ET—Watch Nicole Edwards demo 5 painless design hacks to manipulate, morph, and master graphics in Canva Pro, making every template uniquely yours Register here

The Newsletter Intensive will be back this July.

What my first two clients said at the end of their Intensive:

Client #1 said, “I’m so excited I signed up for this offer.”

Client #2 said, “Tarzan, I don’t want to let you go!”

Everyone is having MAXIMUM FUN with this Intensive and I can’t wait to do it again. Verifiable testimonials coming soon! In the meantime, I opened up two spots in July.

Book your intensive here.

Payment plan available. Hit “reply” and ask.

Here’s a graphic to use when you share:

a beautiful woman with light, glowing skin, a bright smile and moth-wing brass earrings wears an expensive-looking chunky wool sweater and holds a pair of glasses and looks smartly at the camera. The text reads: Emails, but better by Tarzan Kay. A newsletter about newsletters, for marketers who care about consent. Read by more than 10,000 consenting adults.

Ideas for what to say when referring to a friend: “These emails that will make you want to write more emails!”

“I recommended this weekly newsletter by girlboss-in-recovery Tarzan Kay aka the internet’s only consent-based email marketing expert.”

“Are you reading Tarzan’s email yet? They showed me it’s possible to sell without sacrificing my values. Tall order. Thanks, TK

“If you have a newsletter (or want to start one) and you care about consent, subscribe to Tarzan’s newsletter, Emails, but better.”

Reply to the email


All-time most popular emails right here

(read ‘em and weep, literally)

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I’m moving like a superhuman these days, doing it all until my body literally quits on me, as it did this morning. 

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There’s this guy Parry who I follow on LinkedIn. His industry-disrupting 30-word diatribes about PR are crisp AF.

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People think we are super great for offering low or zero markup on our payment plans. I’ve also been

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Start writing consent-based copy that prioritizes people and still makes profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 

    Subscribe to the internet's most-read newsletter on consent-based marketing? (Select "yes, please" if you're already subscribed and want to stay subscribed.)


    The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


    The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

    Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)