Tarzan Kay


October 7, 2024

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


go gently on yourself, my friend


Overhead on the internet:

“OMG! Do you read Tarzan's newsletter?”​

If you want that to be a phrase heard more often, consider enrolling in +1KSUBS. 8 weeks to learn a repeatable, scalable list-growth framework that lets you retire permanently from dancing on reels and creating 87-page PDFs.

This image shows a graphic illustration promoting the growth of an email list, with text that reads, "Grow your email list. Zero 'free PDFs' required. (Unless you really want to.)" and "Now Enrolling · Now Enrolling · Now Enrolling." A hand is holding a smartphone, displayed on its screen is a newsletter signup page with the word "newsletter" and a "Sign Up" button. The background is a deep blue, and the text and illustration use white and yellow colors for contrast.

Find out more + enroll →
Bonus package expires Thursday.

Here’s Why You Should Not Launch A New Product More Than Once A Year


So far I’ve written six sales emails about my new program, +1KSUBS.

In addition to the remaining sales emails, there are downsell emails*, purchase confirmation, onboarding emails, bonus delivery emails, and live call reminder emails.

All in, it’s close to 40 emails.

To those who haven’t promoted this way before, it must sound like a lot of work. And it is. The first emails were assigned to me weeks ago, and I’ll chip away at the rest for the next few weeks.

For more formulaic emails like the purchase confirmation or request for student feedback, I pull from my archive and edit as little as possible. Once we’ve sold and delivered +1KSUBS, I’ll have a program-specific archive of emails that will only need minor edits.


Putting off a website redo? Should you wait or invest now? How do you know you're ready? Which parts are worth spending on and what should you DIY? Answer all of those questions and more in Carolyn Leasure’s 90 second quiz that gives you a Launch-Your-Site Game Plan

  Feel like scrolling something gorgeous and occasionally funny? +1KSUBS is now enrolling and this sales page (written by Tarzan and designed by Nicole L. Edwards) is worth reading even just for fun

✍️  Is writer’s block, resistance, and procrastination frustrating you? Join Janelle Hardy’s workshop, Shifting Resistance and Writer's Block Using Your Body (sponsored link), to make your body your most trusted creative ally. 

Sponsored links are always marked.
Advertise in this newsletter →

Dine with me in Vancouver on Friday, Oct. 18

A diverse group of adults engaged in conversation at a networking event. The setting is a lively, well-lit indoor venue with modern decor. In the foreground, a man with blond hair is conversing with a woman with shoulder-length black hair, both are smiling and looking at a document one of them is holding. Other attendees are in the background, sitting or standing while talking and enjoying the event. Everyone is casually dressed, suggesting a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.


Inbox Leadership Forum is a pop-up networking dinner for online business owners who want to talk shop, share what’s working and find collaborative partners.

Grab a ticket →

line break with a paper airplane

Reply to the email


All-time most popular emails right here

(read ‘em and weep, literally)

I slowed way, waaay down on buying courses about four years ago, once my business started churning out a

Feb 21, 2023

“Finish this sentence,” Eman said to me. “The biggest mistake I made in my business was…” It was no small ask.

Jan 27, 2023

If you’ve struggled to get quality emails out to your list consistently, or had long lapses between communications

Nov 22, 2022

I shared this meme on Instagram the other day: A cascade of DMs ensued, mostly from people

Oct 4, 2022

Cascades of angry-looking waves push up against my kayak, threatening to tip me into the cold black water of

Sep 27, 2022

It’s been two weeks since my last email, and I hardly ever miss a weekly email. I have written thousands of emails

Sep 6, 2022

In my first year of business, I made $61,833 in gross revenue. After expenses, I took home just over half. 

Aug 16, 2022

I’m moving like a superhuman these days, doing it all until my body literally quits on me, as it did this morning. 

Jun 7, 2022

There’s this guy Parry who I follow on LinkedIn. His industry-disrupting 30-word diatribes about PR are crisp AF.

May 27, 2022

People think we are super great for offering low or zero markup on our payment plans. I’ve also been

Apr 12, 2022

Start writing consent-based copy and prioritize people over profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)