Tarzan Kay


July 28, 2023

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


what my days look like rn

Prefer to listen in? Tune in to the audio version of this email:

Heads up! Fellow Entrepreneur-slash-Internet-Weirdo Bobby Klinck is having a blowout in his Legal Template Shop for online businesses, until the end of the month. That’s an affiliate link.

This is your friendly reminder that summer is not over. Not even close. EIGHT glorious weeks remain, including this one. 

Full permission to take a break from emailing your list if you need to—just let them know instead of ghosting them and having to repair the damage in September, which can easily become January. Assuming you haven’t got any important promotions coming up, it is perfectly okay to put some things down. 

Online business is supposed to be about the freedom to manage your own calendar and prioritize life outside of work, isn’t it? Here’s what that looks like for me right now:

  1. Sleeping 9 hours a night thanks to the gift of amanita tea, a non-psychoactive, legal mushroom that my therapist recommended
  2. Starting another round of Invisalign because these stubborn teeth keep rearranging themselves
  3. Dreaming up a solo camping trip to Barron Canyon which I really, *really* want to do, but I dunno…19 portages, seriously?
  4. Deleting then re-uploading dating apps only to delete them again because I just want to hang with the future-men I already live with (this is their “look so cute that mommy will say yes to anything” face) 
  5. Buying a new pair of Campers, which will forever be known as my “kinky nurse shoes
  6. Planning the first sessions for Power with support from a great facilitator
  7. Grieving a love that I lost but still can’t let go of
  8. Taking my SUP out on the canal on Friday afternoons—I have wet swimsuits hanging all over my house and I don’t even miss having a pool
  9. Planning segmented email campaigns because there are a lot of things I want to promote rn but I also don’t want to annoy my loyal subscribers 
  10. Breaking my toe three days before my trip to Paris, deciding to go anyway, and having the best time ever touring the city with my bestie on bikes
  11. Navigating Toronto airport in a wheelchair — an experience that gave me a lot of pride in how well our international airport cares for disabled folks
  12. Managing hormonal repercussions from having to take a morning after pill (and scheduling a tubal ligation with my doctor so this never happens again)
  13. Memorizing a sea shanty that I really enjoy singing
  14. Drinking a daily can of Niagara Cider, the only cider worth drinking IMO

If you’re anything like me, it takes a minute to power down and sink into the energy of hazy-lazy too-hot summer afternoons. But I can definitively say that I’ve arrived. 

Let the lounging begin.



I know it’s not summer for everyone. If you’re like my friend Jeremy in South Africa, who showed up to a catch-up call in a puffer jacket, may this email be a ray of sunshine reminding you what you have to look forward to when the weather warms up!

Reply to the email


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You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)