Welcome to Throwback Summer 
I’m republishing hits from 8 years of newsletters, 8 years of highs and lows of running a business. Scroll down for a breakdown of why I chose to share this email, and my reaction to it now.
Selling shouldn’t make you queasy. Let’s fix that.
Scoop up my consent-based copywriting program for $300. What if you could use the marketing strategies you already know, but in a way that actually feels good? Copy Caboose gives you eyes to spot red flags, and be a green flag for your customers.
Sale ends Thursday. Buy it here.
The One Where Tarzan Has A Baby
The One Where Tarzan Has A Baby
Send Date: March 18, 2018
(third year in business)
I wanted to quit every 30 seconds.
“I’m not strong enough. I’m not tough enough. I should go to the hospital and get the drugs. We’ll work it out in therapy some other time.”
And after 6h40m of the hardest work I’ve ever done in my life, I added “gave birth to a 10lb baby in my dining room” to the list of my life’s greatest achievements.
Meet Mo Kalryzian
Birth is a wild and powerful experience. I’ve done it twice, and each time I’ve thought to myself, I can’t believe women do this.
Even crazier still: that a woman could do THAT, yet find it difficult to send an email newsletter, pitch a client or ask for the sale. Small potatoes, by comparison.
I couldn’t have done it without support. And that’s what got me to put my baby down for 5 minutes to write this email.
Support is everything.
In business and in birth.
Your support team are the people who keep believing for you when you stop believing in yourself.
Not believing IN you. Believing FOR you.
As in, “Let me hold the vision for you while you have your moment of crazy.”
As in, “I’ll listen and nod along when you ask for drugs, when you tell me it’s too hard and you can’t do it.”
Or maybe, “I’ll watch your launch flop, watch you ghost your list for 18 months, apply for jobs you don’t want…
…and then I’ll wipe your bloody nose and throw you back in the ring.”
Your support team are your coaches, mentors, mastermind leaders, and online course teachers.
Without those people in place, realizing your vision will take longer.
It will be harder.
You may never get there.
Or worse, you’ll get there only to find you resent the process so much you can’t even appreciate what you’ve achieved.
You have to know who those people are. Invest in them. Heavily. Let your credit card take a blow once in a while. You’ll make it back later.
It’s so, so worth it.
A Note From Current Day Tarzan
This email went out 4 days after I gave birth to my son Mo. WHUT IN THE HELL, 2018 TARZAN?!? But she was a sole provider and had no idea how she was going to make her life work with a new baby.
At the time I was writing Amy Porterfield’s newsletter and I didn’t want to lose the contract (which I’m sure I wouldn’t have if I’d asked for a break). I wrote emails from my phone with a baby in my arms. I was never fully off work and went back full-time pretty soon after Mo was born. I remember begging everyone I knew to “let me” quit breastfeeding, I was so exhausted. I wasn’t strong enough yet to make that decision against everyone else’s advice. I can say with absolute confidence it would be a different story today!
He was worth every sleepless night and all the meetings I ran and classes I taught with a baby at the breast.
P.S. I am still wondering why I felt the need to italicize dialogue that was already in quotations. Baby brain?