Welcome to Throwback Summer 
I’m republishing hits from 8 years of newsletters, 8 years of highs and lows of running a business. Scroll down for a breakdown of why I chose to share this email, and my reaction to it now.
ALSO—Copy Caboose sale starts Thursday! Learn green flags in copywriting, and how to use consent-based selling strategies for your services and programs.
A Must-Have Tool for 2024: Add To List
One thing I’ll be talking about a lot in my next program is newsletter referral swaps. Add To List makes swaps and affiliate relationships super simple to do (and you often get double the conversion rate).
This micro-tool by Jordan Gill lets a person subscribe to your list with a single click. Sandra scooped this up immediately as soon as she offered it.
Check out Add To List —>
Use the code “TARZAN” to get $100 off
The One Where Tarzan Gets Indoctrinated By Jeff Walker
Send Date: April 12, 2017
(second year in business)
So I’m in Phoenix at Product Launch Formula Live.
I’m sitting next to this guy Erico (basically the Brazilian Jeff Walker), who’s telling me about his next big money goal—a number so wildly enormous it has no meaning to me.
High 8-figures
“And what about you?” he asks.
I tell him I’m booked out, bordering on burnout and I have to launch something, because I can’t keep raising my prices.
Erico asks me what I made on my last client. (I love when people ask pointed money questions, and under normal circumstances I dazzle with my answers.)
“Um…$2000 dollars,” I say. “For the day.”
30 seconds ago I thought I was pretty ballin’ but now I feel like a bargain basement.
And the truth is, the cost has been higher than I care to admit. I’m on my phone after hours a lot. I let my clients message me on Facebook at all hours. My blog has been neglected. Easter weekend is jam packed with clients because I didn’t even know it was a holiday.
I can hardly believe what came out of my mouth next.
“…but I’m not taking clients right now.”
Maybe it was all the millionaires in the room. Maybe it was the deep south iced tea. (Y’know, the old fashioned Tetley-and-ice kind.) Or maybe it was the 5 consecutive nights away from my kiddo.
Something clicked.
I’ve been preaching the merits of launching to my clients. Telling them about all the money they’ll make. All the freedom passive revenue will buy.
…and then booking my calendar flat out for the next 4 months.
It’s like I’m chairing an AA meeting and sneaking off to the bathroom for a shot of whisky. For someone who’s built her business on fearless authenticity, it doesn’t feel very authentic.
That’s why I’m not sending you a link to the beautiful sales page I wrote all about launching, and telling you how amazing your life will be if you launch with Tarzan.
I once heard Danielle Laporte say something to the effect of, “If I want my kid to chase his dreams, I better damn well go after mine.”
I do want you to chase your dream, Tara, so I’m gonna go after mine.
And that means two things are coming off the back burner in this order, including:
1. The email marketing course I said would be ready last October. (And then booked a whole bunch of other projects instead.)
2. A program for freelancers to take their businesses from will-write-for-ramen-noodles to six-figure-superhero, just like I did mine. (That’s a working title, k? Go easy on me.)
If you want to be my accountability buddy, just hit “reply” and tell me what you’re moving to the front burner.
What bitter medicine have you been telling others to drink, while opting for a glass of Kool-Aid yourself?
I’m eagerly awaiting your reply.
Watch a video of me eagerly promoting my launch thang (in a special space suit I bought just for PLF live)…
A Note From Current Day TarzanFive years later I’d be saying on a podcast, “The biggest mistake I made in my business was trusting Jeff Walker.” (Click here to listen to that interview. It’s one of my most popular.) After writing this email I went on to launch my first successful program, The Money Vault, which was for freelancers. I eventually turned it into an evergreen funnel. It was never very profitable but always broke even and earned me lots of subscribers, which is more than I can say for most evergreen funnels I’ve seen in my 8 years of online business.. So maybe Jeff isn’t all bad