New Program Alert: +1K SUBS opens Sept 26, 2024. |
Writing Newsletters When You Have No Time To Write Newsletters
For the second week in a row, I’m sitting down to do a rush job on my newsletter.
Sandra said I could skip last week’s email. “You have a promo email going out anyway,” she said. Nada. Tarzan does not let the baby go hungry. (The newsletter being the baby, not you!) I wrote this newsletter about becoming a national medalist in 25 minutes.
Do I enjoy rushing the most important part of my job? I do not! The whole point of this business is to have a well-paid career as a writer, so it feels like I’m failing on the weeks when I have to skip the writer part.
One thing I am absolutely not failing at is running my mastermind Power, which is the reason I’m in a rush today. I just wasted 25 minutes tracking down enough paper to print out the 17-page Run of Show for the next four days, and only half of it is covered in imaginary Brawl Stars characters rendered in brilliant colours by my oldest son, Gaïan.
Once I wrap this up, I’ll be combing my house for two pages of items I am responsible for bringing – post-its, a selection of dongles, swag items, my favorite board game Renunciation, cue cards and such – and heading to a gorgeous beach house in Crystal Beach.
I can’t wait to kick my feet up and chat for hours with these incredible humans
I’m 3% nervous and 97% excited.
It almost feels like it’s me heading on retreat. The one-year-ago Tarzan who had something to prove, who wanted to make sure everyone walked away feeling certain Power is the best investment ever in their businesses?
She’s retired now.
The new Tarzan knows her value better than a year ago. I’ve developed as a facilitator, and skilled up a lot this year. I feel solid in the level of knowledge I’m able to offer around newsletters and email marketing, as well as the operational side of running an online business.
I have a lot to offer. I am not the highest-earning person I know, but I am among the richest.
Despite heading into a 4-day retreat, I took time for a 10km paddle this morning at 5:45am, using a headlamp because it was so dark. I biked with my kids to their first day of school yesterday (and cried all the way home I love those buggers so much!). I am so proud of what I’ve built, and looking forward to sharing more of it with my members in Power, and learning from them as well.
With that in mind, I am about to lose the race against the clock so I’ll sign off now.
I’d love to know what’s hot for you this month.
What are you working on? What feels salient? What do you want to let go of? Where do you want to be by the end of the year?
I always read all of your replies, even if I don’t always have time to reply to all of them. I treasure every one.
Tarzan Kay [she/they]
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The Best Link I’ve Seen All Summer
OMG! Have you heard about Friend’s amazing new offer! It should probably be linked here but I don’t even know about it yet. Let’s fix that.
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