Recent emails you don’t want to miss…
Here’s the view from my office on this snowy January day. It’s cozy as hell in here, even if my brain is somewhat on fire with back-to-work items.
A snapshot of my first day back to work after two weeks off:
>> Pretending not to see the sea of red overdue items in Asana
>> Microdosing LSD because I need the extra brain power today (I may regret it at bedtime when I can’t fall asleep)
>> Clearing my inbox in 86 minutes after bulk-deleting 46 emails from Superhuman—I promise I replied to the important ones
>> Getting sidetracked by an expected Christmas package from one of my Email Stars alum sent me (see garbage on my office floor)
>> Getting extra sidetracked by all the replies to my welcome sequence in the company inbox — I’ve been running ads over the holidays, so there are tons, a good sign my ads manager Lara is finding the right people
“Loving your emails, Tarzan. They’re a breath of fresh air.”
“Lololol your emails are SO GOOD. Read the second half of that one aloud to my wife.”
“Thanks for the phenomenal email!”
“This was so beautiful – and compassionate. Thank you Tarzan.”
I was kinda nervous sending that email about cocaine, but funny enough, most of the replies subscribers sent had more to do with what I said about grammar. (I see you, grammar nerds!)
Another subscriber took the time to educate me on the cartels who run the cocaine game in the Americas and basically said, “Your email was hilarious but girl, listen to me, there is no such thing as responsible cocaine use.”
My subscribers are seriously THE BEST.
I love it when you hit reply and talk about big important stuff. And little stuff, like who you secretly wish was climbing in your window at night
Coming this quarter to your inbox:
[HAPPENING THIS MONTH] A brand-new offer I’m co-promoting with Sandra Booker—The 627 Advisory Board
A monthly membership that gets you support with copy, marketing, finances, systems, and more (for much less than the cost of hiring a whole team), for online businesses with topline revenue of $200K+ that want to grow this year (click here if that’s you)
[COMING IN FEBRUARY] If you’re wondering what that latest version of my signature program Email Stars will look like…ME TOO! I’m still noodling on what will be included and at what price, but either way, I can’t wait to get my hands on some of your emails in 2024! Look for Email Stars in early February.
A 12-week program that gives you the tools and training you’ll need to generate more revenue by writing story-driven marketing emails that people truly enjoy reading, for online businesses with 300+ email subscribers (click here to join the waitlist)
K, gotta bounce back to Asana where a sea of red is waiting.