Tarzan Kay


February 20, 2024

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


advice from white guys

ChatGPT for Email coming Thursday for $500

6 live sessions for you to learn + implement on-the-go. Turn the best
emails in your inbox into your very own newsletters + sales emails
(without stealing from anyone).

This week I was a guest on SparkLoops Send & Grow podcast—a show I listen to every single week. Dylan and I talked about…

email marketing vs newsletters—what’s the difference?

my extremely unconventional approach to getting booked on podcasts

consistency secrets from 7 years of emailing every single week

why I’m no longer a believer in lead magnets

Listen to the full episode on the Send & Grow Podcast —> 

Screenshot of a LinkedIn Post from Dylan Redekop featuring Tarzan Kay. It reads, "Reallyyyyy enjoyed my chat with Tarzan Kay Kalryzian about all things email marketing and newsletters. She's been writing a weekly newsletter—every week—for over 7 years and has earned $millions doing so. But what I enjoyed most about our chat was her transparency and honesty:"

Only got a sec? Click for a 1-minute sound bite

New format, you like? (Please vote at the bottom of this email)

Just Because Tim Ferriss Did It, Doesn’t Mean It Will Work For You

Growth marketing is a total boy’s club. 

But I want to grow, too. Not, like, “GAMESTOP TO THE MOON!,” just a regular amount, and in a new direction. 

A screenshot of a GIF of a long-haired man wearing a black suit, white blouse, and a black and gray tie sitting in a red chair, saying "As for me, I like newsletters."

I’ve been learning from a new bubble of people in the newsletter space, reading enough emails to fill a volume of J.R.R. Tolkien, and turning to advice from people I’ve historically not paid much attention to:

Men in the growth marketing space who are mostly white, in their 30s and either childless or do not participate in child-rearing. 

(These men make notoriously bad boyfriends but that is another story. I love a bad boy so maybe we’ll come back to that.)

At some point I decided I didn’t want advice from those guys. This decision came on the heels of reading The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz, a book that still haunts me.* 

Reading this book is like watching a car crash: utterly gruesome.  

It tells the story of a CEO trying to save his company, Loudcloud, in the wake of the dot com bubble bursting. The guy lives under his desk for two years, going through rounds of layoffs, an epic product failure, pivoting to a different product, and navigating a series of calamities that set my nervous system on edge. It is allegedly about resilience and perseverance. 

Early on he mentions he has two little kids…

…and then they are never mentioned again. 

I couldn’t stop thinking about those kids as I read. I wanted to shake Ben and tell him, “Your boys are growing up and you’re missing it. You only get a little time where they want to snuggle you and kiss you and lay on top of the book you’re reading to get your attention. In a few years you’ll just be some guy who drives them places and turns their dirty socks back the right way before washing them.”

But that was my problem, not Ben’s.

I don’t even know if Ben Horowitz has boys. 

At the time I was giving so much of myself to my business and worried constantly that I wouldn’t remember my kids growing up, a fear that turned out to be absolutely warranted. There is a two-year gap in my memory that starts the year my youngest son was born. 

Like Ben (we can assume), I missed a lot

So I stopped reading books written by young bucks with seemingly limitless time and power, “a small loan from their parents” and full-time domestic support. 

I turned to other voices, books like Disability Visibility by Alice Wong and Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay

Those were books I could relate to. 

Those books taught me about resilience and perseverance in ways that were relevant to me as a divorced mother of two, a business owner with hobbies, a queer woman, and a person who mows their own lawn, cleans their own house and shovels their own driveway. 

I think it’s important to know who you’re learning from, how those people really spend their time, what their priorities are outside of business (if any), and what their lives look like. 

A lot of business strategies work but they’re all consuming and not available to people who, say, have a full-time job. A subscriber recently told me that as a neurodivergent person, my advice about systematizing and organizing was not relevant to her. 

That’s fair. 

Who you learn from matters. 

So…I’m wondering. 

What do you want to know about me and my work? 

What do you wonder about my life and my priorities as you read these emails? Maybe you don’t sit around thinking about me all day the way I wish you did (ha!) but if you do…

Hit “reply” and let’s have an unofficial AMA. 

~ T-Boss

*In case you were wondering, yes, it is the same Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz, the venture firm reportedly worth $6B.

Gold From Around The Web

15 Lessons From 30+ Years in Newsletters—an excerpt from CJ Chilvers book, Principles For Newsletters, the best $5 I’ve spent all year.

Lu Castello can’t verified on LinkedIn without using their dead name—see what it’s like to get verified on LinkedIn as a trans person

A clip from my chat with Natalia Sanyal about using sneaky tricks in emails (spoiler: we disagreed)

Reply to the email


All-time most popular emails right here

(read ‘em and weep, literally)

I slowed way, waaay down on buying courses about four years ago, once my business started churning out a

Feb 21, 2023

“Finish this sentence,” Eman said to me. “The biggest mistake I made in my business was…” It was no small ask.

Jan 27, 2023

If you’ve struggled to get quality emails out to your list consistently, or had long lapses between communications

Nov 22, 2022

I shared this meme on Instagram the other day: A cascade of DMs ensued, mostly from people

Oct 4, 2022

Cascades of angry-looking waves push up against my kayak, threatening to tip me into the cold black water of

Sep 27, 2022

It’s been two weeks since my last email, and I hardly ever miss a weekly email. I have written thousands of emails

Sep 6, 2022

In my first year of business, I made $61,833 in gross revenue. After expenses, I took home just over half. 

Aug 16, 2022

I’m moving like a superhuman these days, doing it all until my body literally quits on me, as it did this morning. 

Jun 7, 2022

There’s this guy Parry who I follow on LinkedIn. His industry-disrupting 30-word diatribes about PR are crisp AF.

May 27, 2022

People think we are super great for offering low or zero markup on our payment plans. I’ve also been

Apr 12, 2022

Start writing consent-based copy that prioritizes people and still makes profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 

    Subscribe to the internet's most-read newsletter on consent-based marketing? (Select "yes, please" if you're already subscribed and want to stay subscribed.)


    The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


    The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

    Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)