Tarzan Kay


May 10, 2024

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


a personal note from Tarzan

Email, but better.
The Weekly Edition

The Highlights This Week

⚡Applications open Thursday for Power Mastermind, including a very special bonus you will only hear about if you join the waitlist.

(The most special of all the special bonuses—no “downloadable PDFs” here!! ←- it’s exclamation point city!)


️Deliverability Defined is my go-to podcast for easy-to-understand information about email deliverability, hosted by Alyssa Dulin, Head of Deliverability at ConvertKit.

In this week’s interview, Alyssa and I talk about our top 3 strategies for increasing subscriber engagement.


✍️ A Personal Note From Tarzan

This’ll be a quick one.


Last week I said, “I have writer’s block” and then wrote a nearly 2000-word email.

I’m in Brooklyn at my friend Gloria’s house. She’s doing a sales call while her husband Matteo makes lunch.

A beautiful Asian women with long black hair, in green running shorts and black tank top, works at her laptop at a high top table alongside Tarzan who is also staring at her laptop - a panoramic view of Brooklyn is all them, new leaves budding everywhere on the trees below. They are on the fourth or fifth floor.


I was up at 4 a.m. to catch a flight to NYC for The Newsletter Conference. The early flight saved me about $50 and an hour of traffic. I’ve had two naps plus a bubble bath already. Later, I’ll spend my flight savings on a blowout so that my hair looks conference-ready. (I can be unreasonably frugal in some areas, and spend lavishly in others.)

This email will be short out of necessity, as Brooklyn is whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

People often ask me, “How long should my emails be?” I’ll write more about that soon. Maybe next week. But April’s emails were all business, and I’ve been wanting to write more personal stuff. I know you love those emails.

I’m doing really good right now. Like, really good. Even my mom noticed. (She’s relieved.) It feels like my “divorce years” are finally behind me. I have fat on my hips and thighs again. I can experience deep joy without taking MDMA. For about two years there I couldn’t.

Business is really hard, but I’ve never enjoyed my work so much.

My mission and message feel so clear. People are noticing and responding in record numbers. The hours are longer – as much as 50 hours a week sometimes but usually just 40 – and include a ton of tasks that people used to do for me, like building landing pages and running my own ads, but I’m loving that too. It turns out I am awesome at both—SURPRISE!!

It’s hard, but it’s the good kind of hard.

I fall into bed exhausted almost every night and wake up wanting to do it all over again.

Every week I tell my therapist, “I want someone to hold me so bad.” The longing is so deep that it aches in my bones. Can’t someone help me carry all this?

…but I am learning to carry myself, and that’s more important.

In two months I will be finished paying alimony to my former spouse. It’s a major milestone. I’m proud of the way I carried my family through this transition. The other night at bedtime, my 6-year-old son Mo nuzzled his soft little nose into my neck and said to me, “I love our life.” My heart felt full to bursting. I fought so hard for that feeling.

I want to say thank you.

Thank you for being a subscriber. Thank you for sharing my work.

Thank you for the outpouring of email replies last week, especially those of you who said to me, “Nothing to see here, just replying to boost your deliverability!”

Thank you for your reviews, including the copy/pasted ones where I told you exactly what to say.

Thank you for confirming that I am smart and important and beautiful, sometimes indirectly but also sometimes explicitly. (I’m very vain, so I love that.)

Thank you for offering me this space in your inbox week after week. That is a small yet essential role you are playing in the 1000-piece puzzle of my life. I am so grateful.

For those of you getting Emails, but better for the first time, you should know that you are in very good company.

‘Till next week,


line break with a paper airplane

All-Business Emails You Might’ve Missed

 April 30 | Gmail’s new rules
This email shows you the murkier side of consent-based email, how Google is making inboxes hard to reach, and what you can do about it

 April 23 | Getting to 100K subscribers
This email got the most replies this month (and a few really nice Google reviews ). It’s about growing a different kind of “6-figure business.”

 April 16 | Persuasion vs. consent—what’s the difference?
I heard a popular online business teacher say something really jarring on a recent podcast, and it inspired me to write this email

 April 9 | A language pivot I’ve made in my business
The most popular email last month, which was about my departure from talking about coercive marketing, and where I’m going next

 April 2 | Read before you launch that high-ticket offer
This email shares what I learned from 9 months or running a mastermind—a must read if you run or want to run a mastermind

Reply to the email


All-time most popular emails right here

(read ‘em and weep, literally)

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“Finish this sentence,” Eman said to me. “The biggest mistake I made in my business was…” It was no small ask.

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If you’ve struggled to get quality emails out to your list consistently, or had long lapses between communications

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I shared this meme on Instagram the other day: A cascade of DMs ensued, mostly from people

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I’m moving like a superhuman these days, doing it all until my body literally quits on me, as it did this morning. 

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Start writing consent-based copy that prioritizes people and still makes profit 


You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 

    Subscribe to the internet's most-read newsletter on consent-based marketing? (Select "yes, please" if you're already subscribed and want to stay subscribed.)


    The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


    The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

    Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)