Tarzan Kay


May 30, 2023

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


“loser days”

Prefer to listen in? Tune in to the audio version of this email:

Yesterday I was pretty convinced I was a total loser. It was a weirdly hard day.

Nothing bad happened. 

There were zero catastrophes at work.

Stripe is reporting $810.09 in sales for the day.

Trouble is there were a couple of superbly well-written and entertaining sales emails in my inbox and I told myself, “You’re great at storytelling, Tarzan. But you suck at sales emails.”

I called my bestie. 

“Everything is fucked,” I told her. “I’m going to die alone.” 

(I’m paraphrasing. What I really said was, “I’ve been making some ding-dong mistakes lately. We’re having admin issues because I’m loading emails and checking inboxes myself while we hire a new VA. Also I’m promoting way too many things at once so nothing’s working. I am such a loser.”) 

“Is there any evidence that that’s true?” She asked. 

“Well, no,” I said. “Actually about ten people bought Copy Caboose already, and my other offers are selling too. My expenses are so much lower now so I don’t need a gazillion sales. People don’t generally buy until the end of the promotion anyway, and I only sent one sales email so far.”

(The $200 discount on Copy Caboose ends May 31 @ 5pm ET, BTW. Just use the promo code “SPECIAL” at checkout.)

That’s when I realised, “Tarzan, you’re just having a loser day. It’s cool. You’ll feel different tomorrow.”

After work I went on a 20km bike ride. 

I did a 5km paddle in the middle of my bike ride. My 65yo friend Sylvain paddled beside me and told me all about his new girlfriend who is 25 years younger than him. Go, Sylvain!

Nobody fell out of their ultra-tippy racing kayak, not even when we were chatting about dating and I told him that I am polyamorous, kinky and queer—all in the same sentence!

Then I went home to eat salami in bed and watch Ted Lasso while slathering DoTerra Deep Blue all over my body. (I’m critical of MLMs and also an absolute slut for essential oils ‍♀️) 

Today I remembered I’m not a loser. Not even a little bit. 

Writing can be really hard on loser days but when I clicked over to the sales email I was working on yesterday, it hardly needed any edits. 

Go, Tarzan! 

I’d love to know your strategies for loser days because I know everyone has them. Hit “reply” and tell me what YOU do when you have a loser day. If I get enough replies, I’ll include them in a future email. 

And now I’m going to wrap this up because, miraculously, I’ve only been writing for 25min, and since I’m actually filming  myself doing it, I feel extra pressure to finish it in record time. 

Watch me writing it here

I’m not usually this fast, FYI.

Till next time then,


Reply to the email


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You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)