Tarzan Kay


October 31, 2023

to you

What you're reading is a copy of an email my subscribers received. This is an archive, so it's possible some links are missing or expired. If you want to stay in the loop, make sure to jump on my email list and get these delivered direct to your inbox!


airport run! (it’s for a good cause)

Toronto people, I’m waving at you from across the lake Driving up next Friday for my friend Lianne Kim’s event, MamaCon. Wanna catch a hang? See P.P.P.S. for details.  

Right now I’m most likely standing in line at border control at the Toronto airport, or on a plane to Connecticut where I’m attending an event for coaches (yes, really!) hosted by Trudi Lebron. 

“I’m tired of the way people talk about coaching,” Trudi wrote on her sales page. 

And I was like, “Fckn ME TOO, girl! But unfortunately, I am still so mad at the whole industry I don’t know how to talk about it any other way.”

That’s why I’m going.

I really want to have new conversations about coaching. I want to keep believing in an industry that has benefited so many so much, but also done a lot of harm. 

I’m speaking as someone who spent a year working with a coach who is now behind bars—a story I’ll tell someday but not today. She supported me through my divorce and mediation, a time when I was hurting so deeply that playing with fire felt like the best option. The truth is she helped me and she did a lot of harm. 

There are a lot of days when that contradiction is hard to hold. 

But, if my inbox is any indication, there are many coaches out there who are willing to interrogate some of the privileged doctrines that have made the industry so harmful. 

Not everyone wants to engage in those conversations. Heck, there are a lot of days when I don’t want to either. I do it anyway because I believe in the support that coaching offers, and there are so many easy ways to reduce harm so that more people benefit.

I’m not sure what wisdom I’ll bring back from Connecticut, but one thing you know about me is that I am a person who is willing to engage with complicated questions that don’t have easy answers. 

For people who are willing to sit with the discomfort of not knowing, there’s a lot of growth there. 

You bet I’ll be bringing new ideas back here to your inbox (if you let me). 

Now excuse me, I’ve got a plane to catch. ✈️



In case you’re like, “What the hell is Tarzan talking about, I think the coaching industry is great!?” I recommend you listen to this 2-part audio series I recorded on The State of Online Marketing For Coaches. It’s free and it only tackles the marketing side of the issue because that’s my expertise. 


Here’s the replay of yesterday’s masterclass, Write This Way. I can’t tell you if it was good or not because I’m writing this before it happened. But I promise my slides are hilarious. 

Unless future me changes her mind, we’ll leave this replay up for about a week before bumping it into my copywriting program Copy Caboose (which is going on sale for the whole month of November so wait until tomorrow to buy it.) 

P.P.P.S (last one, I promise!)

Next Friday, November 10 I’ll be in Toronto attending MamaCon, an event with Lianne Kim who really (like, really) knows how to put together a beautiful live event. I know ‘cuz I went last year.

This event is for early-stage entrepreneurs who are also raising babies. I love that Lianna attracts such a diverse crowd of business owners—from makers, to piano teachers to brick ‘n’ mortar business owners. 

Use the promo code TK30 for $30 off your ticket.

This Friday is the last day to grab a ticket. Hit “reply” if you want to be my Plus One (for real). Your special prize for reading all the way to the bottom of this long-ass, 3-P.S. email!

To secure your spot:

Step 1. Visit the MamaCon Webpage

Step 2. Enter the promo code TK30 at checkout

Your amount owing will show as $169 and you can complete your purchase. 

None of those are affiliate links. Not that affiliate links are bad! I just want you to know it makes no difference to me financially. I’m in it because Lianne is great and also I love to meet my subscribers IRL.

Reply to the email


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You can make money without being a greasy promise-pusher, slapping "70% OFF FOR ONE DAY ONLY!" all over your website, or putting giant red countdown timers in every email. Here's how. 


The easiest ways to Tarzan-ify your emails and launch copy


The Course Launch Copy Kit ($27)

Copy Caboose Digital Program ($500)